Podcast: In Their Shoes - Ex Refugees Entrepreneurs w/ Millad Rashidi & Ilham Akhlaqi

Millad Rashidi & Ilham Akhlaqii

In this episode, we are leaving behind the big data and technology to look through the lenses of empathy at the stories of these two young entrepreneurs: Ilham Akhlaqi and Millad Rashidi.

Ilham Akhlaqi was formerly an Afghani refugee, or how we prefer to say, a human who was displaced. She participates actively in the Afghan community in New Zealand and is dedicated to fighting the cultural and religious stigmas against women.

On the other hand, Millad Rashidi escaped Afghanistan and the Taliban as a child and came to live in New Zealand at 13.

Get in their shoes and know their story here.


Manzana is an inclusive & safe space and community for women and underrepresented entrepreneurs.


Why we need a more balanced approach to entrepreneurship


Podcast: In Their Shoes W/ Dil Khosa with guest Kayla Hegedus